Monday, April 27, 2009

Graham's Rare Find

My Grahambo is at the age where everything he says is odd and funny. I will be sad when my last child passes through this funny stage. Luckily I will always have the memories of the funny things he has said so bring a smile to my face.

We were shopping recently at Target(We shop there way to much). All of a sudden Graham gets a HUGE smile on his face. He is standing in the basket of the cart and he begins to jump up and down and scream repeatedly "Ghost Milk!" "mommy, I see Ghost Milk" I look up with wonder to see what he was pointing at with such excitement. This is what my darling child had spotted:

Bottled Water! I could not help but burst out laughing at the VERY logical conclusion that my 2 year old come to find. There was just no other explanation. It HAD to be Ghost Milk. We were all so excited to see this rare find! We bought 2 jugs of the rare "ghost Milk". Graham drank so much of it! He was so proud of the treasure he had found for all of us! :)


Devin said...

Hey Girl!

Long time no talk! I took your blog out of my reader a long time ago, cause you hadn't updated in so long and I thought maybe you stopped blogging...but them I found this today, that you were following my blog now!

Good to see you and 'talk' to you again! Can't wait to catch up!!

Edlow said...

Hey Devin! It is true that I fell off the blogging world, but I am back with a vengeance!I went an spent an hour catching up on your cute blog! Love seeing how much your sweet boys have grown since I last checked in on ya'll! Did you scroll my blog and see Graham's PLush Bus adventure?

Jacquie Von Hohn said...

That is funny!