Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Hello Faithful readers!

Hello there all and sorry for the delay in a new post!

It is of course the fault of the terrible twosome. Which one to blame though remains a mystery.

I always blog on my laptop that I keep in the living room. I am in complete view of all my kiddos. Howeever, one of them knocked it off the coffee table bending the prong to the cord. ANd NOW it does not recognize that it is plugged in. So Now I have to Blog from the upstairs computer in the office. and having to leave my kiddos to do that is not a good idea!

Other than the broken computer, not much has been going on here.

We have Rodeo tickets this week so I will post soon and let ya'll now how things go. We are excited to see what happens there. We are seeing John fogerty ( of CCR fame) and then Toby Keith.

Sorry for the short post, I do not have much time!