Sunday, May 18, 2008


Quick update.... We have been so sick! We have had pink eye, strep, bronchitis, pneumonia, double ear infections, and sinus infections.... I hope I did not leave anything out!

Life has been a blur. Here are some pics to update you better

These ar epics of Jocelyn and Bruce at the Dads and Dolls Luau Date night at church!

Here is Bruce and I on a rare date night to see John Fogerty at the Rodeo!

This is Riley on Story book day at school!

Graham finally got his first haircut!

Here are a few of my fave easter pics!

Here is a new fave of Graham. He has Jocelyn's sunglasses, Riley's hat and his own 2 pacifiers!

Riley Lost a tooth! It is his first one!

Okay! Whew! You are sorta caught up now, I will post again this week so watch for news from the fam!

Have a blessed day!


Steph said...

Hey! Sorry about all the illness! That STINKS! But glad things are going well now. The pics are great!

Glad you're back!

. said...

Glad to see you're back! I was beginning to think you scrapped the idea of the blog. Can't wait to hear more...