Monday, April 13, 2009

He is Risen!

We have had an eventful Easter weekend! The kids spent Good Friday with my Dad and step-mom which made getting ready for Easter pretty easy! I went up to the Woodlands to see my friend Melody and to get her help finding some cute Easter outfits ( nothing like waiting til the last minute).The adventure was a success! I got Riley and Graham coordinating oxford shirts. Jocelyn already had a dress I had purchased a while back but was saving for Easter. They looked super cute when they go to wear them to Easter service at church. We were taking them to the Saturday night service at Second for many reasons. However, my kids were VERY confused when I got them dressed in their "Easter Clothes" on Saturday night because they knew Easter was on Sunday! We made it through the egg hunt at church and I even survived a VERY chaotic Saturday night G.I.G.L. worship service and then it was back home to prepare for Easter Sunday when all of our family would be coming to visit.

Easter Sunday was going off without a hitch when suddenly I heard painful crying coming from the living room. I ran in to find Jocelyn lying on the floor near our coffee table. The table is VERY heavy and I knew it had to have crushed her when she hit it. Someone( I do not even remember who) scooped her up and was moving her to the couch. I ran past them to grab an ice pack from the freezer and I ran it back to them and placed it on her head. Then I ran into the other room to grab the childrens tylenol. When I got back over to her she was doing the slow blink thing and she was wanting to fall asleep. So we sat her up quickly and her Nanny checked her out. Nanny is a nurse and I was very thankful that she was around to help. Jocelyn curled up on the couch with my Dad while I went to talk to Riley would had in fact pushed her into the coffee table. After much discussion and many tears we came to a great punishment, I think. Since Riley was unkind to his sister his punishment is to serve his sister. He will have to set her place at dinner every night making sure she has her napkin, plate, fork , and her drink. He willhave to get her whatever shee needs during the meal, more water, extra napkin, second helping, etc. Then it will be his job to clean and clear all of her stuff. I told him he would have to do this for as long as she has the bruise/goose egg on her forehead. I bet it will end up being close to 3 weeks. I am curious to see how this punishment works. I will keep ya'll updated! Jocelyn is feeling much better today and I of course checked in on her all night long.

It made for an eventful Easter!